Do we need Judge Dred in America’s 21st Century?

The smash and grab lawlessness we are now watching unfold in a America consumed by a wave of chaos under the guise of racial/radical injustice, has become intolerable. We as a society can not continue to function with the unchecked outlaw behavior of a criminal element let lose to run rampart upon our streets, with out fear of any retribution. De-fund the police, once considered a laughable hysteria, once taken up by the radical insanity of the anarchic officials of certain major cities (enacting ridicules laws which tie the hands of law enforce) in the U.S. resulted in a complete break down of the rule of law. Coupled with the lack of the prosecutable will of State Attorney General’s…City / County Prosecutors to enforce the laws of their regions (which is a dereliction of duty and breech of their oath of office) only emboldens the anarchists to continue. At some point in time the street’s of the U. S. will reflect the growing civil disobedience and will look the same as any other third world country, armed military on the corners, and perhaps huge wall portraits of the Commander-in-Chief (as they will then [as now] will be called) displayed in banners and wall covers as we see in any other Totalitarian country. Perhaps this is the administrations aim? Have a Happy Holidays and don’t forget the barricades for the parades.

Thank you for taking the time to read this……2021-12-18

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