Botox Biden

Ever notice Joe Biden’s face, looks like a plastic sheet stretched over human features? Over use of Botox to take the wrinkled skin look of an aged man away. In the hopes of presenting a more youthful look to of an old tired, wore out man, creating a bazaar, almost alien like appearance. When he smiles, the lips are stretched far to the sides in a Joker (of Batman movies) sneer, flashing weird like teeth you would see in a horror movie of some flesh eating monster. The doctors have over done the medications in attempts to conceal the ravages of age.

Notices how Jill holds his hand when walking, I think it’s (1) in a effort to maintain his balance (2) to feel a heartbeat or if he’s still warm (3) to lead him in the right direction when in motion. No matter the reason, the tell-tele signs are still there of his instability when walking, the stumbling, shuffling gate (of an old doddering man) as he crosses the lawn on the way to MARINE ONE, cannot be covered up.

When in crowds, those long lost stares as if to say ‘where the hell am I’? When making the other world leaders standing around him, look as if they are the grandchildren who have come to visit. When yet his is supposed to present the inspiration of hope and liberty to the free world, embarrassing.

His apparent lack of caring as to what is happening to the country, by his unapproachable question taking, or his whimsical snide remarks and parodies of some events (of lesser importance) in his jumbled up past memories (mostly false or inaccurate). Senility has progressed to point of consuming his agenda of destroying the power grid with delusions of wind or solar power, banning natural gas appliances or limiting your alcohol consumption.

I finish here, you see, you hear, you can judge for your-self the actions of an old man, pass his prime and preforms only as a puppet for the Party, which is its self-doubtful of his value, now

Thank you for taking the time to read this…..28th of august in the year 2023